US military abandoned Android phone for iPhone, because it is easy to crash

"Android is easy to crash."

This sentence comes from a person in the U.S. military. According to foreign media reports, the US military is also using the iPhone to replace Android phones.

According to reports, the US Army Special Operations Command has an Android tactical tool kit, which is a customized version of a smart phone that can be connected to remote radio stations and run customized military applications. However, they found that when running a drone application with live video, Android phones are not as easy to use as the iPhone, and they often have problems such as slow operation and crashes.

So they are going to switch to the latest iPhone 6s because it's faster and smoother, and the important thing is that the screens they see are clearer, especially when watching drone live video. Smooth operation is crucial in the field.

The US military has long had precedents in using the Apple device. As early as 2010, it equipped the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq with the iPod Touch, and built up language learning applications such as Arabic and Pashto in Iraq.

Perhaps it is because this is a military secret and what the US military did not say about the use of Android machines, otherwise this is a big negative. However, another department of the US military has been reported to use the Samsung Galaxy Note. It is also possible that the US military did not use the latest Android phone, and it is unfair to compare the old version of the Galaxy Note to the iPhone 6s.

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