The proportion of China's LCD panel market continues to increase

The proportion of China's LCD panel market continues to increase At the 2013 China Smart TV Summit Forum held recently, Xie Qinyi, vice president of Display Search Greater China, said that with the large-size TVs and the shift of some liquid crystal production capacity to high value-added products, China's LCD panel production capacity in 2015 may not be excessive. .

Last year, the two 8.5-generation lines of BOE and Huaxing Optoelectronics achieved full production in Beijing and Shenzhen respectively. In 2014 and 2015, there will also be three 8.5-generation production lines in operation in China, including BOE Hefei, Samsung Suzhou, LGD Guangzhou, NEC Panda Nanjing, BOE Chongqing, and China Star Shenzhen.

With the expansion of production capacity, the proportion of China's panels in the local and global markets continues to increase. According to Display Search statistics, the proportion of Chinese mainland panel makers in the local market has increased significantly from 22% in 2012 to 31% in 2013; the proportion of Chinese mainland panel in the global panel market has also increased from 20% in 2012 to 2013. 25% of the year.

Xie Qinyi told reporters that in 2013 the supply and demand of global LCD panels was basically balanced. However, in 2014, BOE Hefei, Samsung Suzhou, and LGD Guangzhou will start production of the three 8.5-generation lines one after another. The global panel industry may be able to return to oversupply from the balance of supply and demand in the second half of 2014.

However, because of the increasing demand for large-size and oversized TV sets, at the same time, fast-growing smartphones and tablet PCs will be able to divert some of the production capacity of LCD panels; some LCD panel production capacity in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan will also be converted into The high value-added OLED panel production capacity avoids direct competition with the Chinese mainland panel. Therefore, Xie Qinyi expects that in 2015 China's LCD panel production capacity may not be seriously excessive.

After China's mainland panel production capacity came up, import tariffs on LCD panels had risen from 3% to 5% in 2012. Xie Qinyi predicts that import tariffs on LCD panels in mainland China may increase further to 8% in the future, but they are still under discussion.

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