Breakthroughs for wearable medical devices

Most of the current wearable medical devices are still only the role of health butlers, and far from the concept of smart medical care; in the future, if the medical data is mutually recognized, wearable medical devices may usher in a new explosion point.

Recently, a manufacturer of wearable medical equipment in Tianjin, Orange, launched the Orange Detective Instrument 2.0 and launched a sleep-sucking overall solution at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, trying to break the current healthy management model of wearable products.

The user wears the detector watch, and after 7 hours of sleep, data such as blood oxygen and pulse rate can be collected; after the watch is connected with the mobile phone through the APP, the data can be transmitted to the doctor's computer terminal. After the doctor completes the professional diagnosis based on the data collected by the watch, the doctor reports the detailed report to the user's mobile phone.

Through the cooperation with the offline armor hospital in clinical use, the Orange sputum detector connects the device users, APP and doctors to form a closed-loop ecological chain of medical services for monitoring-treatment-rehabilitation.

Guo Xiaoheng, director of the Sleeping and Sucking Center of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, said at the press conference that the similarity between the data of the orange sputum monitor and the clinical sleep-sleeping gold standard is over 95%, which can be used as a screening for sleep-absorption syndrome. Check judgments and provide a reliable basis for primary diagnosis.

It is reported that the orange product family's product launch conference is the first mobile medical project conference in China.

Market research firm IDC expects sales of wearable devices to increase by 173% from last year's 26.4 million yuan to about 72.1 million yuan. Listening to the wind, the guardian of the cloud, said that the next breakthrough point for wearable devices is likely to be in the medical and health field.

Shi Lichen, a medical strategic planning expert, told the author: "Now wearable medical equipment is still in the exploratory period, and there is still a long way to go before the maturity. The reason why the market is so hot is that everyone is speculating on this concept, probably for financing. It may also be for market value management."

However, some insiders believe that the current market for wearable medical devices is prosperous. The various health monitoring devices seem to be intimate. In fact, most of them are shallow health butlers, which are far from the essence of smart medical care. . Because of its function of “chicken ribs” and too homogenization, it will not bring long-term appeal to the consumer market until a major breakthrough is made.

Mobile medical software is easy to ask the doctor CEO Wang Wei also has the same view: "Now wearable devices are mostly biased towards health, and the future development direction should be closer to medical care. There will definitely be a market in the future, but not only will it be accepted by the majority of users. It has to be accepted by hospitals and doctors. It really takes some time."

More than $30 billion in the market

At present, search for wearable products such as wearable watches and bracelets on e-commerce platforms, and there are no fewer than one hundred brands.

Breakthroughs for wearable medical devices

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